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HumanKind's New Multi-Planetary Existence

And so it begins...the formation of the new phase of the human life experience; becoming citizens and living life outside of planet earth. Let's face it, we have all known that this age would come to humanity. We have dreamt of it, imagined it, created or thrilled in the enjoyment of countless cartoons, books, comics and movies. Still, did you know it would arrive in your lifetime and are you ready? The skeleton is now being built for the physical system of life support for human beings outside of earth. Elon Musk, CEO of Space X, Tesla, OpenAI, Neuralink and The Boring Company announced today on Twitter, Space X is "Supporting the creation of a permanent, self-sustaining human presence on Mars".

At IAC2017 (International Astronautical Congress in Australia), Mr. Musk provides a captivating visual blueprint of Space X's current progress on "making humanity multi-planetary". First and most essential to the mission is the actual space vehicle which is a new massive rocket (several orders of magnitude larger than its former models Falcon 9, Falcon Heavy and Dragon), and paradoxically less expensive. This rocket, known as "BFR" is capable of making numerous trips as it remains intact and is not destroyed after landing as are many of its predecessors. BFR's diameter is 30 ft in width, can support a generous payload of more than 100 space travelers, and is designed with the nose end as an eight story high unit with numerous cabins which can comfortably house 3 individuals each. Mr. Musk demonstrates the keys to success of this magnificent rocket: #1. Propulsive landing - the rocket gently sets down upright in a single runway needed! #2. Intra-orbit refueling which is precise and automatic. Due to BFR's capabilities to handle and take advantage of differences in atmosphere and environment, it is expected to be able to travel safely to many different planets, and there are currently specifications worked for out for travel to the Moon (which requires no propellant for the return trip) and Mars.

There are many additional perks to the incredible sizable BFR, such as the ability to service the International Space Stations, easily transport additional satellites into space, clean up space garbage, and most amazingly travel to destinations on Earth which are generally hours long flights in less than one hour! Imagine boarding a ship in New York and arriving to Paris in 30 minutes (Note: you will travel 18,000 miles per hour through space to do so with absolutely zero turbulence). Finally, the actual building of the city on Mars, the planet of blue twilights and red afternoons is scheduled to take place...are you ready for this?...2024. Beyond the way cool factor, excitement, and surrealism of interplanetary life, is the potential for a future saving grace for humanity, should we have the misfortune of Earth becoming unfit for human life due to our actions. Thank you Space X for giving us all an amazing future to anticipate and actually witness before our very eyes. Tune in to watch the full presentation here...


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