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Embracing our bright future now

FutureYou is a blog created from a privately held, startup company, GingerTea Technologies,​ for the purpose of showcasing emerging and existing technologies to the public. GingerTea Tech also creates niche software products to serve humanity with the belief that nature and technology should be intertwined and symbiotic rather than mutually exclusive.


Future You is a result of our passionate interest in and hope for technology to help address many issues which affect our civilization, as well as to inspire, entertain and generally enhance our lives.  In order to support our ability to continue this endeavor, we have formed a Patreon page, Future You Blog where you may donate to keep the information flowing. Proceeds go towards being able to continue researching and presenting this blog, as well as providing patrons with rewards and special events. We will release new blog posts once per month.

Please feel free to tell us what you think about the blog and/or the ideas, technologies and products presented throughout. Send feedback about which general categories you would like to hear more about and we will be glad to oblige.  If you have access to new products you would like us to discuss, let us know. To continue using this site please view our Terms and Conditions.  Thank you for following this blog!



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