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Welcome To Future You

It sounds cliche but, ladies and gentlemen, the future is now. Many of the ideas and designs we think of as science fiction currently already exist, or are in the process of being created. Many of us don't even realize how fast our technology has advanced, but soon enough there will be an outpouring of new products and protocols into the market and into our lives. We may even begin to feel obsolete ourselves if we are not prepared for what is taking place. For example, a human city is likely to be in the early building phases on Mars in less than ten years (seriously!) Organ donation is likely to become obsolete as science is testing the laboratory growth of whole human organs using a dissolvable matrix. Countries have the capability of consuming less energy overall than five years ago, and relying almost entirely on renewable energy for 80% of power as soon as 2020. To put it plainly, its about to go down, in the world of technology and many changes will affect our lives significantly. Are you ready...and are we all ready? This blog is all about presenting a sustainable future for all of us human beings, increasing awareness of technologies which are emerging or just hitting the market, to keep us informed and engaged. We are going to witness, in a very short time, a new revolution of our shared human experience. It is our hope at Future You, that the advances we make in technology unite and inspire us, improve everyone's lives and allow us to be fully equipped to work together to solve the largest and most difficult problems of humanity: inequality, poverty, natural disasters, climate change and social unrest and instability. We hope you will join us on this journey to an enchanting new future that starts now...

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